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LPC has six areas of Christian Ministry:
Worship; Education; Mission; Evangelism & Outreach; Buildings & Grounds; Finance DEACONS
Melinda McCall Alan Marshall Don Enloe
Melinda McCall Alan Marshall Don Enloe
Worship Committee provides for the observance of worship on a weekly basis and during special occasions, such as seasons of the church year. Their oversight also includes seasonal symbolism in the sanctuary, such as Banners and the Chrismon Tree during Advent, stripping the Lenten Cross, and Flowering the Easter Cross.
Evangelism & Outreach
Evangelism and Outreach Committee oversees fellowship activities within the congregation, including after-church fellowship and Family Movie Night, and pastoral care for our church family through prayer, food, and card ministries.
The Education Committee provides oversight of the education programs of the church, including adult Sunday school and vacation Bible school. LPC uses PC (USA) curriculum for its adult Sunday school, and the committee provides for the recruitment and training of teachers for this class. Vacation Bible school involves several adults from our church family to build relationships between the generations. This committee also oversees special classes, Lenten book studies, such as "The Sunflower" by Simon Wiesenthal, and topical classes, such as the Women & Christianity class.
The Mission Committee coordinates the time, treasures, and talents of our church family to support both local and worldwide mission. Love offerings are supplemented with hands-on support for several local missions, including Louisa County Resource Council through the Super Bowl of Caring collection every January and the 10-Gallon Challenge every summer; Giving Words through the Annual Pancake Supper every Shrove Tuesday; The Journey Home through sponsoring tables at their annual banquet; Young Life through Golf Tournament participation and banquet support, and the Salvation Army through ringing bells at kettles between Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve.
Worldwide missions are supported through the annual One Great Hour of Sharing and Christmas Joy offerings. A Cents-ability Offering is gathered by the children one Sunday each month and divided between the Louisa County Resource Council and the Presbytery of the James. The POJ portion of this offering helps provide snacks for children in Guatemala in an alternative education program because they must work to contribute to their family's income.
Building & Grounds
Building and Grounds ministry provides for the management and maintenance of the church properties including the church building, its adjoining properties, and the manse. Men's workdays build fellowship while providing an important service to our church family.
Finance Ministry encourages members to give generously to the ministry and mission of the church and offers leadership for the proper stewardship of the church's finances by establishing the annual budget, providing for an annual audit, and raising funds for special events and offerings.
Worship Committee provides for the observance of worship on a weekly basis and during special occasions, such as seasons of the church year. Their oversight also includes seasonal symbolism in the sanctuary, such as Banners and the Chrismon Tree during Advent, stripping the Lenten Cross, and Flowering the Easter Cross.
Evangelism & Outreach
Evangelism and Outreach Committee oversees fellowship activities within the congregation, including after-church fellowship and Family Movie Night, and pastoral care for our church family through prayer, food, and card ministries.
The Education Committee provides oversight of the education programs of the church, including adult Sunday school and vacation Bible school. LPC uses PC (USA) curriculum for its adult Sunday school, and the committee provides for the recruitment and training of teachers for this class. Vacation Bible school involves several adults from our church family to build relationships between the generations. This committee also oversees special classes, Lenten book studies, such as "The Sunflower" by Simon Wiesenthal, and topical classes, such as the Women & Christianity class.
The Mission Committee coordinates the time, treasures, and talents of our church family to support both local and worldwide mission. Love offerings are supplemented with hands-on support for several local missions, including Louisa County Resource Council through the Super Bowl of Caring collection every January and the 10-Gallon Challenge every summer; Giving Words through the Annual Pancake Supper every Shrove Tuesday; The Journey Home through sponsoring tables at their annual banquet; Young Life through Golf Tournament participation and banquet support, and the Salvation Army through ringing bells at kettles between Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve.
Worldwide missions are supported through the annual One Great Hour of Sharing and Christmas Joy offerings. A Cents-ability Offering is gathered by the children one Sunday each month and divided between the Louisa County Resource Council and the Presbytery of the James. The POJ portion of this offering helps provide snacks for children in Guatemala in an alternative education program because they must work to contribute to their family's income.
Building & Grounds
Building and Grounds ministry provides for the management and maintenance of the church properties including the church building, its adjoining properties, and the manse. Men's workdays build fellowship while providing an important service to our church family.
Finance Ministry encourages members to give generously to the ministry and mission of the church and offers leadership for the proper stewardship of the church's finances by establishing the annual budget, providing for an annual audit, and raising funds for special events and offerings.