Youth Activities
Church-2-Church 10-Gallon Challenge!
June is Dairy Month, and every year at the beginning of June, the children of Louisa Presbyterian Church challenge all the churches in Louisa County to donate 10 gallons of wholesome, delicious milk to
the Louisa County Resource Council, our local food bank.
The LCRC currently provides food for 1632 families, or 2224 individuals, 664 of whom are children ages 0-17. The need for milk is especially important during the summer when children are home
from school. Donating milk also supports a struggling dairy industry, some of the hardest working people in our great nation.
...So, hey everybody...get milk!!
June is Dairy Month, and every year at the beginning of June, the children of Louisa Presbyterian Church challenge all the churches in Louisa County to donate 10 gallons of wholesome, delicious milk to
the Louisa County Resource Council, our local food bank.
The LCRC currently provides food for 1632 families, or 2224 individuals, 664 of whom are children ages 0-17. The need for milk is especially important during the summer when children are home
from school. Donating milk also supports a struggling dairy industry, some of the hardest working people in our great nation.
...So, hey everybody...get milk!!
Children & Youth Sunday
Each spring the children and youth of LPC work with Pastor to lead one Sunday's worship, and this year, three middle-schoolers were baptized. In the baptismal liturgy, one child asks the others to promise to be a friend to the newly baptized and love them, and to share the stories of Jesus with them. The children then present the newly baptized with a youth Bible to use in confirmation.
Each spring the children and youth of LPC work with Pastor to lead one Sunday's worship, and this year, three middle-schoolers were baptized. In the baptismal liturgy, one child asks the others to promise to be a friend to the newly baptized and love them, and to share the stories of Jesus with them. The children then present the newly baptized with a youth Bible to use in confirmation.
Easter Egg Hunt
Our church family enjoys an Easter egg hunt every spring to kick off Holy Week. This year in addition to the petting zoo and the egg hunt, new games and activities were introduced, along with a decorate-your-own-cupcake station!
Our church family enjoys an Easter egg hunt every spring to kick off Holy Week. This year in addition to the petting zoo and the egg hunt, new games and activities were introduced, along with a decorate-your-own-cupcake station!
Maundy Thursday Foot Washing Pre-Confirmation children who are unable to participate in communion during the Maundy Thursday Soup & Bread Supper participate in a foot washing as part of the evening service. While their feet are being washed, the pastor chats with them about the importance of service as part of being a member of the Body of Christ and encourages them to be active in our church family. |
Children's Worship Space
LPC encourages children to be present during worship, so off the sanctuary through open French doors is a newly renovated worship space with tables and quiet activities where parents can sit with their preschoolers during worship. The room includes a rocking chair and nursing pillow as well so mothers with infants can also remain present for worship.
LPC encourages children to be present during worship, so off the sanctuary through open French doors is a newly renovated worship space with tables and quiet activities where parents can sit with their preschoolers during worship. The room includes a rocking chair and nursing pillow as well so mothers with infants can also remain present for worship.
The children take up the Cents-Ability offering one Sunday at near end of each month. Cents-Ability (formerly known as "Two-Cents-a-Meal") is an offering collected specifically for feeding the hungry in our community, in central Virginia, and around the world. Each time we sit down to a meal, we are asked to set aside our loose change.
Once a month, we bring our change and the children take up the offering. This offering alternates each month between the Presbytery of the James and the Louisa County Resource Council, our local food pantry.
The coins that our children collect for the POJ help purchase nutritious snacks for children their age in an alternative education program in Guatemala. These children lost the opportunity for a formal education because they must work to support their families.
The children take up the Cents-Ability offering one Sunday at near end of each month. Cents-Ability (formerly known as "Two-Cents-a-Meal") is an offering collected specifically for feeding the hungry in our community, in central Virginia, and around the world. Each time we sit down to a meal, we are asked to set aside our loose change.
Once a month, we bring our change and the children take up the offering. This offering alternates each month between the Presbytery of the James and the Louisa County Resource Council, our local food pantry.
The coins that our children collect for the POJ help purchase nutritious snacks for children their age in an alternative education program in Guatemala. These children lost the opportunity for a formal education because they must work to support their families.